SinC Puget Sound

2022 Annual Report

Another year of Zoom meetings due to the pandemic, but we continued to forge ahead. TECHNOLOGY INTERACTION WITH OTHER CHAPTERS EMPHASIS ON LOCAL AUTHORS MEMBERSHIP FINANCES

2021 Annual Report

Puget Sound Sisters in Crime – January 2022 Due to the pandemic, 2021 was not an easy year. In spite of that, we managed to chalk up a few successes. TECHNOLOGY Made it possible to pay for membership online through PayPal Transferred subscriber lists from MailChimp to a more user friendly MailerLite, and saved money … Read more

Chapter News – 2019 Annual Report

Puget Sound Sisters in Crime Annual Report 2019 Presented January 2020   Finances The balance forward from December 31, 2018 was $458.01 Our bank balance on January 8, 2020 was $1,392. There is one outstanding expense from 2019 (not yet billed): approx. $400 for the redesign of the website. Approx. year-end balance forward (includes some 2020 dues): $1,000.   Membership Membership increased from 40 full members in mid-January … Read more

Welcome 2020 Officers!

Congratulations and welcome to our 2020 officers! Beginning this month Luanne Brown, President; Charlotte Stuart, Vice President; and Curt Colbert, Treasurer will assume the leadership of the Puget Sound chapter.  President Luanne Brown said, “In running for president of PugetSound SinC, I hope to maintain the steady growth of the chapter and explore innovative ways … Read more

2020 Election Results

The election of 2020 officers for the chapter took place online and at our November 14th meeting. The proposed slate was elected: Luanne Brown, President; Susan Bailey, Vice President; Charlotte Stuart, Secretary; and Curt Colbert, Treasurer. However, Susan has since decided she is not able to take on this commitment after all, and she has resigned. … Read more

Election of 2020 officers will take place in November

New officers for 2020 will be elected in November. Members will receive an e-ballot around the 1st of November. You may return this (email-address confirmed) ballot by November 10th, or vote by secret ballot at the meeting on November 14th. The results will be tallied and presented at the meeting. The new officers will serve from January 1 … Read more

2020 Election Results

The election of 2020 officers for the chapter took place online and at our November 14th meeting. The proposed slate was elected: Luanne Brown, President; Susan Bailey, Vice President; Charlotte Stuart, Secretary; and Curt Colbert, Treasurer. However, Susan has since decided she is not able to take on this commitment after all, and she has … Read more

Election of 2020 officers will take place in November

New officers for 2020 will be elected in November. Members will receive an e-ballot around the 1st of November. You may return this (email-address confirmed) ballot by November 10th, or vote by secret ballot at the meeting on November 14th. The results will be tallied and presented at the meeting. The new officers will serve … Read more

Introducing our new logo!

Since the Puget Sound chapter is about to start its fourth decade, we decided it was time for a fresh look that reflects our mission as writers and readers, but also our region and our Seattle base. Many thanks to Netmen.corp for helping us boil these ideas down to a single image and to Sue … Read more