SinC Puget Sound

April 2021 Member News

Erica Miner just completed a round of events, including a presentation “In the Shadow of Wagner, Strauss and Debussy” for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UW and UC San Diego, where she announced her latest release, Staged for Murder, which centers around a production of Wagner’s ‘Ring’ at the San Francisco Opera. Erica also … Read more

March 2021 Meeting Recap: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Writing a Series—Or, Getting Serious About Series

This trio of successful series writers shared their tips and experiences on how to write series and problems you might encounter. Cynthia Blair, writing as Cynthia Baxter, covered the nuts and bolts of series writing with a series of colorful slides to illustrate her main points. She included how to make the characters’ world interesting … Read more