SinC Puget Sound

May 9th Meeting: Behind the Scenes at the Bookstore

Sam Kaas, the Events Manager for Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park, is our guest for the May program. He will talk about how bookstores support both readers and authors. He’ll describe many different aspects of running a bookstore, from how buying decisions are made to how they respond to customer requests. He will also … Read more

Chapter News – 2018 Annual Report

It is important for our chapter officers that the business of the executive committee and the chapter as a whole remain transparent. Here is our 2018 Annual Report. In summary, 2018 was a busy year with work toward building membership, connecting with other organizations in the region, and formalizing our non-profit organizational status. This is … Read more

Celebrating Nan Robkin

There once was lady named Nan Thanks to whom SinC always ran With programs galore It was never a bore Neither for writer nor fan Nan Robkin served the Puget Sound Sisters in Crime chapter since its inception in 1989, creating our newsletter from the beginning until her retirement at the end of 2018, and … Read more

Recap: 20 Ways to Market a Mystery

At our March meeting, we tackled the array of options for marketing books in a 60-minute blitz! One thing that became abundantly clear is that authors need to make choices about where to focus their time, energy – and budget. Two overarching themes were that first, you need to write the best book you can, … Read more