SinC Puget Sound

June 2021 Member News

Bharti Kirchner’s Murder at Andaman was published in December 2020. This is what Cara Black, best-selling author had to say about it: “Murder at Andaman, Bharti Kirchner’s latest mystery, brings a sharply observed eye to this engaging, atmospheric tale set in the Andaman Islands exploring friendship. And murder. Don’t miss Murder at Andaman, I couldn’t … Read more

May 2021 Member News

Linda Norlander’s Death of a Starling, the second in the Cabin by the Lake mystery series, will be released on May 21. Jamie Forest explores a school shooting in the small town of Cascade, Minnesota. She discovers a town cloaked in silence. The only person who will talk with her is found mysteriously dead within … Read more

May 2021 Meeting Recap: Making it Easier for Booksellers to Sell Your Books & the Story of BookTree

Christopher J. Jarmick, owner of BookTree, Kirkland’s independent bookstore, discussed the challenges small bookstores face in today’s book market. He covered his journey from script doctor and screenwriter in LA to his current role as bookstore owner, writer and poet. In addition to explaining how to get your book and/or an event into his bookstore, … Read more