SinC Puget Sound

July 2022: Around the Sound

Peggy Barnett’s book Bitter Fruit is finally available in bookstores and on Amazon! The book launch party will be on July 23 at BookTree Bookstore in Kirkland. It starts at 4 PM. Peggy says: “I can’t believe how much work there is to selling the book. Readings, building a website, social media—it’s hard to get … Read more

June 2022: Around the Sound

These pictures and captions are from Susan McCormick. This year’s Malice Domestic Murder mystery conference combined three years into one. Susan McCormick spoke about The Fog Ladies on the “Not Her First Rodeo: Mature Sleuths” panel.  Linda Norlander spoke about Death of a Starling at the New Author Breakfast. 

May 2022 Meeting Recap: 1) Crave Books Marketing Platform and 2) Member Discussion of Marketing Services – What’s Worked and What Hasn’t

1) The co-founder of Crave Books, Cary Bergeron, explained the origins of their current marketing platform for authors and walked participants through the free sign-up process and demonstrated how some of the services work. From placing ads, to building email lists to sending out press releases, all of the fees and details about each promo … Read more