President’s Message
Dear Writer Friends,
Like a number of you, I’ve spent the last two years querying agents and am thrilled to announce that I signed a contract with an agent who first saw my manuscript in 2022.
It’s hard to remain hopeful when the rejections keep coming and I had almost given up. But I tend to be both stubborn and optimistic, and am blessed with writer friends who believe in my manuscript and cheer me on.
I often talk about the importance of having a writing community you can turn to for advice and support. If you are honing your craft or getting ready to launch a book, I encourage you to become more involved with SinC.
A big thanks to Marty Wingate for setting up our September 9 Mystery Night event at Third Place Books in Lake Forest. I hope you’ll come out to hear our readers, buy some books and maybe even join the group for a quick dinner beforehand.
In October, Leslie Hall will be our featured speaker at our monthly Zoom meeting. If you’re like me, hearing a speaker talk about a topic, even one I feel I’ve mastered, always sparks new thoughts. Leslie will speak about creating unique settings.
November is our annual flash fiction night where we share short short stories written to a theme. This year’s theme is Betrayal in Puget Sound. At our picnic, attendees contributed the five words you must incorporate in your story.
Hope to see you this fall!
Catherine Linka
Puget Sound Chapter Sisters in Crime
Next Meetings:
Further details, including registration info, are available on our Meetings page.
All meetings take place on Zoom unless otherwise specified.
September 9: Mystery and Crime Author Night at Third Place Books
October 10: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night: Creating Unique Settings in Fiction, with Leslie Hall
November 14: Flash Fiction Night