SinC Puget Sound

Join the 2020 SinC leadership team: It’s a great opportunity for you!

According to our bylaws, all four of our officer positions must turn over at the end of this year. We hope our chapter – that’s you! – will step up to this opportunity successfully, so we have a smooth transition and continue the growth we’ve seen over the past two years. 


Nominations from members interested in serving as our 2020 officers must be submitted by email to as of Thursday, October 3rd. You may nominate yourself or someone else (with their permission). 

Following are the basic roles of the four officer positions: 



The President chairs the monthly Executive Committee meetings and keeps an eye on all aspects of the chapter’s operation: finances, programming, communications, membership, and planning. The current president has interest and experience in communications, so she has been active in that area.

SinC membership has been central to my success as a mystery writer. I have built a local & national network; improved my skills; and learned about the business. Giving back to this wonderful community has been a pleasure.
Alice K. Boatwright, President, 2018–2019

Vice President

The Vice President serves as a back-up to the President. The current VP has interest and experience in programming, so she has been active in that area. 

Introducing myself as VP of our chapter has opened doors—I’ve talked with agents, editors, and published authors across the country. People respect SinC, and some of that respect has rubbed off on me!
– Marty Wingate, Vice President, 2018–2019


The Treasurer handles the chapter’s finances, keeping track of income and expenses. The current Treasurer had the interest and experience to set up our financial structure (bank account, etc.), so anyone who keeps track of their own expenses and deposits can easily manage this position going forward.

I enjoyed the opportunity to meet and work with so many talented writers, both local and national.
Waverly Fitzgerald, Treasurer, 2018–2019. 


The Secretary takes minutes at the monthly Executive Meetings and maintains the membership roster. The current Secretary was originally our webmaster and continues to play that role. She also helps with other communications, such as social media and the newsletter.

Being an officer has allowed me to give back to an organization that has provided me with so much writing support and community.
Sarah Niebuhr Rubin, Secretary, 2018–2019


    • Submit nominations:  Thursday, October 3
    • Election of new officers: Thursday, November 14
    • New/outgoing officers retreat: TBD on a Saturday in November–December
    • New officers’ term: January 1–December 31, 2020