SinC Puget Sound

2021 Annual Report

Puget Sound Sisters in Crime – January 2022

Due to the pandemic, 2021 was not an easy year. In spite of that, we managed to chalk up a few successes.


  • Made it possible to pay for membership online through PayPal
  • Transferred subscriber lists from MailChimp to a more user friendly MailerLite, and saved money in the process (MailChimp required a monthly fee; MailerLite is free)
  • Updated Member News process so members can submit their news online via our website
  • Automated payment for website and email support


  • Invited other regional chapter members to our Zoom programs
  • Shared access to Zoom programs from other chapters with our members


  • Applied for and received free Zoom access from National
  • Applied for and received virtual meeting grant from National (what we didn’t use after acquiring free Zoom ended up in our coffers)


  • To make transitions easier from one set of officers to the next, we switched to a bank that better meets our needs
  • Created a new list of roles and responsibilities for Executive Committee members (which will need to be revised for next year based on having two Members-at-Large)
  • Updated website and created more user-friendly access and promotional opportunities
  • Used member surveys to determine the most relevant program topics/speakers
  • Membership at end of 2021: 47


  • We were able to save some money since we weren’t paying for meeting space. We can use that next year to finance equipment needed for hybrid presentations.
  • Checking Account Balance on 12/19/2020: $1,771.18; as of 1/30/2022: $2,858.00