SinC Puget Sound

Election of 2020 officers will take place in November

New officers for 2020 will be elected in November. Members will receive an e-ballot around the 1st of November. You may return this (email-address confirmed) ballot by November 10th, or vote by secret ballot at the meeting on November 14th. The results will be tallied and presented at the meeting. The new officers will serve from January 1 through December 31, 2020. They may be elected for a second consecutive one-year term in the same position.

The slate of nominees is selected, according to the bylaws, by the Executive Committee based on the nominations submitted by volunteers (people who nominate themselves) and nominations submitted by others (with the nominee’s approval. We are grateful to everyone who expressed interest in serving in the coming year – and the future. Your enthusiastic participation is what makes the Puget Sound chapter the supportive community and valuable resource it is today:

The 2020 nominees are:

Luanne Brown
“In running for president of PugetSound SinC, I hope to maintain the steady growth of the chapter and explore innovative ways to identify and serve the evolving needs of our members.”

If elected, I promise to use my expertise in working with non-profit organizations and volunteer groups to help solidify our growth and oversee any expansion of efforts to recruit more members while continuing to attract excellent speakers for our meetings. I was a founder of the Northwest Screenwriters Guild and served first as president and then co-president for four years. I have also served on the boards of the Audubon Society, a ballet company and Islamic architectural preservation society in Cairo, Egypt; and I currently oversee a group of volunteers who craft welcome mats for refugee families new to our area. I have been a screenwriter, film critic, freelance journalist, and senior copywriter and content strategist for Microsoft and Intel. I used to be the world’s leading expert on Egyptian handmade carpets and published a guide to buying them with the University of Cairo Press in 1984. I have a bachelor’s degree is in biology from De Paul University. In 2020, I will publish my first novel, a fantasy titled Once in a Pink Moon. Although I don’t write them, I am a lifelong mystery reader.

Susan Bailey
Vice President
“I’d like to be an officer because I think the chapter is doing important work, and I’d be honored to make a contribution to that work.”

Susan graduated from Smith College and worked for several years in corporate America. She now works part-time on the circulation staff of the Everett Public Library and lives in Edmonds. She has written a high-concept mystery novel that is making the rounds of agents and is currently writing a thriller that begins in a library.

Charlotte Stuart
“I want to support and be engaged with the local writing community. I believe I can accomplish those goals by serving as an officer of Puget Sound Sisters in Crime.”

Charlotte Stuart, PhD, began her career in academia, teaching communications and coaching intercollegiate debate. She has been a management consultant, VP of HR and Training, and in charge of leadership development at several organizations.  She was on the State Board for Community in Schools and is currently the Secretary-Treasurer for the Sunwater Beach Road and Water Association. She also supports small non-profits by helping them with board development and strategic planning. Her first mystery, SURVIVAL CAN BE DEADLY, came out this year.  Learn more:

Curt Colbert
“I’d like to be an officer of Puget Sound Sisters in Crime in order to be more involved in our local chapter. The chapter has given a lot to me, so I’d like to give back.”

A Seattle native, Curt Colbert is history buff, an avid fisherman, and a Vietnam veteran who lives with his wife, Stephanie, and his somewhat wild cat, Miss Kitty. He enjoys the occasional cigar and is a boxing fan. In addition to SinC, Curt is a member of the Mystery Writers of America, EPIC Group Writers. He has written three novels in the hardboiled Jake Rossiter & Miss Jenkins series – RAT CITY, nominated for a Shamus Award for Best First P.I. novel of 2001; SAYONARAVILLE; and QUEER STREET – as well as five Barking Detective mysteries in collaboration with Waverly Fitzgerald (as Waverly Curtis). His first Matt Rossiter mystery, ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER, has been published this fall by Epicenter’s Northwest Corner Books. Learn more:

Please note: there will be a space on the ballot for writing in the names of alternative candidates, should you choose to do so.