SinC Puget Sound

2020 Election Results

The election of 2020 officers for the chapter took place online and at our November 14th meeting. The proposed slate was elected: Luanne Brown, President; Susan Bailey, Vice President; Charlotte Stuart, Secretary; and Curt Colbert, Treasurer. However, Susan has since decided she is not able to take on this commitment after all, and she has resigned.

According to the bylaws, the current Executive Committee was empowered to fill the vacancy; therefore, we asked Charlotte Stuart, if she would step into the Vice President position, and she agreed. The new officers will fill the vacant Secretary position in early 2020. Officers who are appointed to vacancies serve until the end of the term (in this case, December 31, 2020.)

Many thanks to all who participated in this nomination and election process. We wish our new team all the best for an enjoyable and successful year and look forward to working with you all as members of the chapter.

Alice, Marty, Waverly, and Sarah
2018–2019 Officers