SinC Puget Sound

May 2024: Member News

Kathleen J. Easley is pleased to announce that Families and Felons, book two in her Brenna Wickham Haunted Mystery series, is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats. Alice K. Boatwright’s story “The Blackberry Pie Thief” was published by The Saturday Evening Post in March. The oldest magazine in the US, SEP has a beautiful online site for … Read more

April 2024: Member News

Joyce Yarrow is pleased to announce the publication by All Bilingual Press (Seattle, WA) of Stolen Lives. In this sequel to Zahara and the Lost Books of Light, journalist Alienor Crespo pursues an intriguing and explosive story about the tons of gold shipped to the Soviet Union during the Spanish Civil War and the endangered children who made the … Read more

March 2024: Member News

Sisters in Crime Puget Sound will be well-represented at Left Coast Crime: Seattle Shakedown. On Thursday, members participating in panels will include Leslie Budewitz, Leslie J Hall, Kate Jackson, Glen Erik Hamilton, Alice K. Boatwright, Maria Barrs, and Joyce Yarrow. Friday’s lineup includes Judith Ayn, Marty Wingate, Sarah Niebuhr Rubin, Tessa Floreano, and Jeanne Matthews. … Read more

February 2024: Member News

If you have member news, please submit to Alice K. Boatwright re-issued her first two Ellie Kent mysteries, UNDER AN ENGLISH HEAVEN and WHAT CHILD IS THIS?, under her own imprint, Firefly Ink Books, in December. UNDER AN ENGLISH HEAVEN won the 2016 Mystery and Mayhem Grand Prize. In January, she will release the third … Read more

January 2024: Member News

If you have member news, please submit to Congratulations to Wendy Church, whose latest novel, Knife Skills, received a starred review from Kirkus. Kirkus called it “Dizzying . . . Audiences who wished the TV series The Bear had made room for Russian mobsters are in for a treat.” Main character Sagarine Pfister has been blacklisted by almost every restaurant in … Read more

December 2023: Member News

If you have member news, please submit to Lovers of all things British will want to pre-order Marty Wingate’s historical cozy murder mystery A BODY ON THE DOORSTEP that releases January 11, 2024. When fiercely independent Mabel Canning, an employee of the Useful Women’s Agency, finds a dead body on her client’s doorstep, she adds solving murder … Read more

November 2023: Member News

If you have member news, please submit to Bharti Kirchner’s essay “Dreaming of the Black Tulip” has just been published in Timberline Review, autumn 2023 issue. (TR is a literary magazine published from Portland). The essay was nominated for a Kay Snow Award. Bharti’s most recent novel, Murder at Jaipur: A Maya Mallick Mystery (Book 3) published recently has … Read more

October 2023: Member News

If you have member news, please submit to On Monday, October 2 at 6 PM at the UW Bookstore (Seattle), Alice K. Boatwright will interview Heather Redmond about her new Mary Shelley mystery series which is launching with DEATH AND THE SISTERS. Heather is the President Emeritus of the Columbia River Chapter of Sisters … Read more

September 2023: Member News

On Monday, October 2 at 6 PM at the UW Bookstore (Seattle), Alice K. Boatwright will interview Heather Redmond about her new Mary Shelley mystery series, which is launching with Death and the Sisters. Heather is the President Emeritus of the Columbia River Chapter of Sisters in Crime. Bharti Kirchner’s essay “Dreaming of the Black Tulip” has just … Read more

August 2023: Around the Sound

Congratulations to two Puget Sound members’ manuscripts which are finalists at Killer Nashville! Susan McCormick’s The Room at the End of the Hall is a Finalist for Killer Nashville’s Claymore Award for Best Suspense! It is now looking for a publishing home. And Gerald Elias’s Roundtree Days is nominated for Best Western! If you’re heading to Bouchercon 2023, Marty Wingate will be reading … Read more