SinC Puget Sound

May 2022 Meeting Recap: 1) Crave Books Marketing Platform and 2) Member Discussion of Marketing Services – What’s Worked and What Hasn’t

Cary Bergeron

1) The co-founder of Crave Books, Cary Bergeron, explained the origins of their current marketing platform for authors and walked participants through the free sign-up process and demonstrated how some of the services work. From placing ads, to building email lists to sending out press releases, all of the fees and details about each promo option are clearly stated.

He also answered questions about analytics and genre marketing. The platform was launched in 2020 and works in partnership with a variety of independent promoters to make Crave Books a “one stop” site for authors to put together a marketing plan. Attendees were given a discount on a number of services.

2) The second half of the program was devoted to members sharing their own marketing experiences – the highs and the lows. One of the main complaints was about how difficult it is to measure the effectiveness of promotions. In addition, a lot of specific resources were shared.