SinC Puget Sound

March 2024: Member News

Sisters in Crime Puget Sound will be well-represented at Left Coast Crime: Seattle Shakedown. On Thursday, members participating in panels will include Leslie Budewitz, Leslie J Hall, Kate Jackson, Glen Erik Hamilton, Alice K. Boatwright, Maria Barrs, and Joyce Yarrow.

Friday’s lineup includes Judith Ayn, Marty Wingate, Sarah Niebuhr Rubin, Tessa Floreano, and Jeanne Matthews. Those appearing on Saturday include Candace Robb, Charlotte Stuart, Larry Keeton, Harriet Cannon, Linda Norlander and Susan McCormick. And Sunday morning you can catch Cynthia Baxter, Gerald Elias and Erica Miner.

Arthur Coburn’s Murder in Concrete (Wild Rose Press) releases March 11. Perfect for fans of mystery and suspense, it tells the story of college student Charlie who spots her missing father in a movie and pursues the lead to a film location in the desert where she learns nothing is as it appears.

Erica Miner is excited to announce she made the Short List of the 2023 M&M Murder & Mayhem Book Awards for Cozy and Not-So-Cozy Mysteries. The full list of authors is here: M&M SHORT LIST!

Erica participated in the podcast ‘Five Compelling Questions About the Writing Life’ with Shawn Reilly Simmons, her editor at Level Best Books, about the first in Erica’s ‘Opera Mystery’ series, Aria for Murder. Listen to the podcast here.