SinC Puget Sound

First Page Workshop

You are cordially invited to bring the first 300 words of your manuscript or book to this session. Please bring 3 copies of your page one without your name on them (but the title is helpful). The text should be 12-pt type, double-spaced. First pages will be collected at the beginning of the session and will be read aloud by Curt Colbert.

Page one is probably the most important page in your book. . . the one that either hooks the reader (agent, publisher). . . or doesn’t. At our meeting on June 14th, two expert editors give on-the-spot responses to hearing members’ opening pages read aloud. The emphasis will be on identifying strengths and suggestions for improvement. Questions will be taken at the end of the program.

Our guests will be Jennifer McCord, Associate Publisher and Executive Editor of Coffeetown Enterprises in Seattle; and Karen Brown, a freelance book editor from Bellingham. Both Jennifer and Karen have been involved in the book business for more than two decades. Jennifer has worked the retail side, as well as in every type of publishing from indie to traditional. She has served as an advisor to the UW Extension Writing Programs and on the board of the Pacific

Northwest Writers Association. Coffeetown Press has been publishing literary fiction and nonfiction since 2005. It was acquired by Epicenter Press in 2018, along with its two subsidiary imprints, Camel Press and Fanny Press,

Karen Brown is a multi-published, best-selling mystery and romantic thriller author and editor, with extensive experience in fiction publishing. She edits manuscripts for Amazon Publishing and other publishers, as well as working with individual authors.

We look forward to welcoming them and hope to have an interesting mix of first
pages for this session. Be brave! Share your first page!

Requirements: Page 1 only (no subsequent pages), 3 hard copies, 12-point type, double-spaced.

Please note the location change for this meeting: Due to a large event on the Third Place Commons stage, our meeting will be held on Thurs, June 14th, 7-8:30 pm in the Lake Forest Park Library Meeting Room. The library is located on the lower level of the Lake Forest Park Town Center. You may bring a beverage into the room.