SinC Puget Sound

June 2020 Member News

This month we continue to report what some of our members are working on from the privacy (and safety) of their homes. Stay well, everyone, and keep writing! As always, please send your news to us by the 20th of the month and/or post to our Facebook group page. We look forward to hearing from you.

Peggy Barnett is working on the third draft of her mystery set in medieval France. In a related project, she making a drawing of medieval Narbonne, where the book is set.

Alice K. Boatwright’s short story, “Risky Business,” will be published by the online journal, Fresh Ink, which republishes work that originally appeared in print-only journals. She also participated in a discussion of her book Collateral Damage, as the virtual guest of a Bay Area book club.

Luanne C. Brown continues to prepare her YA fantasy, “Once in a Pink Moon” for publication.

Curt Colbert’s Jake Rossiter and Miss Jenkins series has been re-published by Epicenter Press. The new editions of Rat CityQueer Street, and Sayonaraville are available in ebook and paperback.

Waverly Fitzgerald’s Victorian novel about a trance medium who becomes embroiled in a mystery, Queen of Shadows, is now available as an ebook. The print edition will be available soon. Her series of four books of celebrating the seasons are now available in paperback, as well as ebooks. All of these books, completed during Waverly’s lifetime, are being published thanks to the efforts of her daughter Shaw Fitzgerald and her longtime friend and collaborator, Annie Pearson. Still to come: the second Rachel Stern mystery! Please “like” Waverly’s new author page on Facebook!

Elena Hartwell Taylor reports that the audio edition of All We Buried is now available.  She is also teaching a free weekly writing workshop through Allegory Editing. Anyone is welcome to join: Wednesdays at 9 am

Christine Hoffman has moved to Minnesota, where she reports that she is settling in, still unpacking, and getting used to the new flora and fauna.

Jeanne Matthews’ latest blog is “Writing in the Time of Plague” in Buried Under Books.

Susan McCormick held a giveaway of The Fog Ladies through Booksweeps in May, and the book was also reviewed on N.N. Light’s Book Heaven blog, where it was named a Stress Busting Book Festival pick.

Erica Miner’s article “The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs at KING FM” appeared in LA Opus: Southern California’s Classical Voice for Music and Live Arts on May 27.

Linda Norlander’s first book in the Cabin by the Lake Mystery series, Death of an Editor, was released May 19th by Level Best Books. The second book in the series will be released in May of 2021.

Candace Robb’s forthcoming book, A Choir of Crows, was featured in this year’s online BookExpo sweepstakes inviting people to enter and receive a free galley. This 12th Owen Archer mystery is being released in the UK on May 31 and worldwide on July 2. Look for news about the virtual book launch next month.

Charlotte Stuart’s first book, Survival Can Be Deadly, is now available as an audio book from Audible.

Marty Wingate’s book Bodies in the Library will be released in paperback on August 25th. This is the first title in the First Edition Library series published by Berkley. The paperback is now available for pre-order.