SinC Puget Sound

Writing a Closing to 2017

What shall we end 2017 with?
Hint: It won’t be “The End.”
Too cliche.

But even cliche can be fun, so get ready for our annual end-of-year party! See the email from Susan for details; if you are on our newsletter list but didn’t get Susan’s message, contact her.

Congratulations to our newly elected co-presidents, Alice K. Boatwright and Marty Wingate, and secretary, Waverly Fitzgerald! They are already hard at work planning 2018.

And a very deep thank you to our outgoing officers, Susan Schreyer, Joe Massucco, and Nan Robkin, for their years of service.

Our first meeting of the new year will be held in our usual spot at Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park – Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 7:00pm.

Reminder – membership of Puget Sound Sisters in Crime is January-December. Member dues for 2018 can be paid at any time to our esteemed leadership. To be a full member of Puget Sound Sisters in Crime you must also be an active member of our parent organization, Sisters in Crime.

Keep writing. Keep reading. Keep solving those crimes!
Here’s to new beginnings.