SinC Puget Sound

April 2021 Member News

Erica Miner just completed a round of events, including a presentation “In the Shadow of Wagner, Strauss and Debussy” for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UW and UC San Diego, where she announced her latest release, Staged for Murder, which centers around a production of Wagner’s ‘Ring’ at the San Francisco Opera. Erica also was part of an Education Panel for Edmonds International Women’s Day and was interviewed for Bill Kenower’s Author2Author podcast. Next, she will be interviewed and will do a reading from Staged for Murder for Ian Johnson’s UK-based Chat and Spin Radio.

Leslie Budewitz: Join MWA NW for its spring conference via Zoom on Saturday, April 10. I’ll be giving a “Dead Talk” at 12:30 on Connecting with Readers by Connecting with Your Characters.  SinC members may attend at the MWA member price!

Robert HeroldMoonlight Becomes You, Robert’s second Eidola Project novel, was recently awarded two first-place wins by the Southeastern Writers Association, including the Purcell Award for Best Novel. He and Moonlight will be featured on Sorchia’s Universe Novel Magic on April 5.
The novel will be featured by many bloggers during a book tour April 16—19 through Blackthorn Book Tours. Follow Robert on Facebook for more information.

Charlotte Stuart received Notable Mention in the Chapter One Prize contest with the first chapter from an unpublished mystery, Raven’s Grave. It was also long-listed in the Chanticleer Clue book awards.

Alice K. Boatwright spoke to the Britsburgh Mystery Lovers Society in Pittsburgh, PA about her Ellie Kent mysteries, life as an ex-pat, and her Anglophile roots on Thursday, March 25th.