SinC Puget Sound

October 2020 Member News

‘Tis the season to release a book! And many of our members are launching new books this autumn. Please support each other by buying these books AND reviewing them. As we all know, a good review is a gift that keeps on giving!

Alice K. Boatwright published a new story, “No Prince,” in The Blood Pudding Journal in October. Her shortest ever flash fiction: it’s 100 words long! In addition, her story “Look Both Ways” has been accepted for publication in Amarillo Bay’s Spring 2021 issue. For links to these and other online stories, go to

Jeffrey D. Briggs is busy getting the word out about his second Waterfront Mystery, WITHIN A SHADOWED FOREST.  In addition to his online book launch (with Jim Ziskin) through Third Place Books this month, in a single week, he met with book clubs in Duluth, MN; Denver, CO; and Seattle.

Leslie Budewitz wrote about “Finding Emotional Connection” for the Women Writers, Women’s Books blog this month.
The paperback edition of her new Spice Shop Mystery, THE SOLACE OF BAY LEAVES, was released on Oct. 20, 2020.

Martha Crites’ first book, GRAVE DISTURBANCE, is being re-released by Northwest Corner Books on Nov. 10. Originally published by Rat City Publishing, it was a finalist for the PNWA’s 2016 Nancy Pearl Award.

M.L. Erdahl and Susan McCormick discussed the importance of dialogue in a cozy mystery as part of The Cozy Mystery Quartet, Episode 12, hosted by Wendy Kendall. You can watch this panel on YouTube. Mike’s first award-winning Seattle Wilderness Mystery, WINTER TAKES ALL, was published by Wild Rose Press, and number two, SPRING UPON A CRIME, is in the editing stages. Susan is the author of The Fog Ladies Mysteries (see below). 

Robert Herold’s forthcoming second book will be titled MOONLIGHT BECOMES YOU. The manuscript has already won two awards from the Southeastern Writers Association: best in a genre category and best book by a new novelist. The book will be published by Wild Rose Press.

Susan McCormick will be interviewed on Dialogue: Between the Lines blog talk radio on Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 10 am PST about her Fog Ladies cozy mystery series and her new book THE FOG LADIES: FAMILY MATTERS. 

Erica Miner’s third Opera Mystery, STAGED FOR MURDER, was published by Twilight Times Books as an ebook on Oct. 15. A trade paperback will be coming soon.
An article about how Erica researched the book appeared in the journal, San Francisco Classical Voice, this month.

Jen Pitts, Alice K. Boatwright, and Marty Wingate will participate in a Mystery Writers Roundtable hosted by Edmonds author Pam Stucky on Sunday, Nov. 1 at 2 pm. It will be posted on YouTube after the event.

Jen Pitts’ second book in her French Quarter Mystery series, THE GATES TO THE AFTERLIFE, will be published on Oct. 31.

Charlotte Stuarts second Discount Detective Mystery, CAMPAIGNING CAN BE DEADLY, was released in time to take your mind off Nov. 3. She’ll be doing a Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour with her first Vashon Island Mystery, BOGGED DOWN, from Nov. 4–17.

Marty Wingate is preparing for the launch of MURDER IS A MUST, the second book in her First Edition Library series, on Tuesday, Dec. 1. On that day at 5 pm, she will appear virtually at Houston’s renowned bookstore, Murder By the Book, along with author Jenn McKinlay.
Her “local” launch will be on Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 1 pm, when Third Place Books will host Marty and the UK’s Hannah L. Dennison, author of the Honeychurch Hall mysteries. They will discuss American readers’ love of the English mystery.
Book 1 in this series, THE BODIES IN THE LIBRARY, is now available in paperback.

Joyce Yarrow’s new book, ZAHARA AND THE LOST BOOKS OF LIFE, will be translated and released in Portugal by Grupo Narrativa. The English edition will be released by Adelaide Books in December 2020. Joyce’s latest blog, “A Writer’s Dream,” was published on Women Writers, Women’s Books on Oct. 12.