SinC Puget Sound

Chapter News – September 2018

SinC Puget Sound receives a grant for outreach
Thanks to a grant from SinC National, the Puget Sound Sisters in Crime chapter will launch a program of outreach this fall by participating in three key events serving the Pacific Northwest writing community: the Pacific Northwest Writers Association Conference, the Write on the Sound Conference, and the Emerald City Romance Writers Conference.

The Pacific Northwest Writers Association Conference (13–16 September) in Seattle is the largest conference in the region for writers across all genres. Some 400 writers attend to discuss topics from craft and pitching to publishing and marketing. The programming is organized into tracks by genre and includes a mystery/thriller/horror track. The chapter will be on hand with a
table in the book room to talk about the benefits of SinC membership and upcoming programs, as well as to display information about author members’ books.

Now in its 33rd year, the Write on the Sound Conference (6–8 October) is sponsored by the City of Edmonds Art Commission. Every year it attracts some 275 writers who enjoy this high-quality, affordable conference’s focus on the craft of writing. For the 2018 conference, Puget Sound SinC was chosen to organize and provide a panel of author-members to discuss the different mystery sub-genres. The panelists will also participate in a book fair and space is provided at the site for the chapter to display information about SinC member benefits and activities.

The 29th Annual Emerald City Writers Conference (26–28 October), sponsored by the Greater Seattle Romance Writers Association, is the largest local RWA conference on the West Coast. With the popularity of romantic suspense, writers in this genre have needs and interests that overlap with those of mystery writers, and the Puget Sound SinC will be on hand in the
exhibition area at this conference to build awareness of what we have to offer.
The goal of these activities is to build awareness of our chapter and the benefits of belonging to Sisters in Crime nationally and locally.

Learn more:
Write on the Sound:
RWA Writers Conference:

Coming soon: October 4th is deadline for officer nominations
All members are invited to submit nominees for the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary by one week before the October meeting – that is, by Thursday, October 4th. Please send your nomination to Based on these submissions, the Executive Committee will prepare a slate of nominees, who will be voted on by
secret ballot at the November 8th meeting.

According to our by-laws, officers can serve two consecutive one-year terms. All of the current officers were elected for the first time in 2018 and are therefore eligible to serve again in 2019. This in no way precludes the nomination of other candidates interested in serving the chapter.
For more information, please see our bylaws.