SinC Puget Sound

December 2021 Meeting Recap: Holiday Party

The invitation asked people to bring: A song parody, a poem written by you or someone else, a funny or touching story about a wonderful (or heartbreaking) holiday memory, a limerick or a haiku or even a run-on sentence… and if you read something while wearing a Santa hat, so much the better.

The thirteen people who shared the gift of words covered all of the above, except for the run-on sentence. Spoofs, serious stories, parodies, family memories, a potpourri of poems and a singing flamingo. The presenters included Alice Boatwright, Bob Herold, Charlotte Stuart, Cynthia Blair, Curt Colbert, Debra Borchert, Jeanne Matthews, Julia Hunt, Linda Norlander, Luanne Brown, Staci Roberts, Susan McCormick and Theresa Gage. Bob Herold left us hanging by reading only part of his story. You can check out how it ends at:

Photo from the Saturday Evening Post

Luanne’s reading was accompanied by collages of the four dogs featured in her story:

Everyone missed the hugs and shared holiday food, but enjoyed celebrating with words.