SinC Puget Sound

September 2020 Member News

Our members are hitting the contest circuit as speakers this month, but this fall it’s all happening online. In addition, there are new books and stories, new blogs, book launches, contest news, and more. Enjoy these highlights from September… and be sure to send your news by October 20th for next month’s column: You may also post your news directly to our Facebook page.

Alice K. Boatwright will be on a panel, “Small Town Murder: Does It Have to Be in England?” as part of this year’s online Bouchercon conference on Friday, Oct. 16, 11 am–12 PM PDT. Registration for the conference, which will take place on Oct. 16–17, is only $55.  Go to for details. In other news, Alice’s story “Yesterday’s Muse” will be published in a forthcoming issue of Bull.

Jeffrey D. Briggs and Puget Sound SinC former member James W. Ziskin will discuss their latest books online courtesy of Third Place Books on Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 6 PM. Jeff’s second Waterfront Mystery, WITHIN A SHADOWED FOREST, came out this summer, while Jim’s seventh Ellie Stone mystery, TURN TO STONE, came out earlier this year. Register at

Leslie Budewitz will lead a Sisters in Crime free webinar on “Ten Common Mistakes Fiction Writers Make About the Law” on Tuesday, Oct. 20, 7-8 PM EDT. Pre-registration is required; the webinar is free for SinC members and will be recorded and available on the SinC website later.
Leslie’s latest Spice Shop Mystery, THE SOLACE OF BAY LEAVES, received a starred review from Library Journal!

Roxanne Dunn’s character Matt McCrae from her recently released book MURDER UNREHEARSED was “interviewed” on the WILD WOMEN AUTHORS blog on Sept. 11. 

Waverly Fitzgerald’s second Rachel Stern mystery, TAINTED LOVE, is now available as an ebook and paperback. It was published posthumously by Genesta Press and is available on Amazon.

Leslie Hall was a speaker at the online Pacific Northwest Writers Conference on Sept. 24–27; and offers tips on how to become a contest finalist at the online Write on the Sound Conference on Oct. 1. 

Robert Herold just won the Reader Ready Award for THE EIDOLA PROJECT. His book will be on sale for $0.99 from 10/2-10/30 on all major on-line vendors.

Jeanne Matthews’ latest blog is “Grab That Newel Post” on BURIED UNDER BOOKS.

Erica Miner gave a talk on “In the Shadow of Wagner: Strauss and Debussy” for the Wagner Society of Southern California, on Tuesday, Sept. 27. She announced the title of her forthcoming book—STAGED FOR MURDER—at this event.

Susan McCormick was a PNWA Literary Contest Finalist for her middle-grade fantasy, THE ANTIDOTE. Her second Fog Ladies Mystery, FAMILY MATTERS, will be released on Oct. 7. 

Candace Robb’s new book A CHOIR OF CROWS was reviewed in the Seattle Times, leading off a column titled “Stock your bookshelf with 4 Seattle-based crime fiction titles this September.” It was a great review and did acknowledge that, while Candace is in Seattle, the book is set in medieval York, England.

Charlotte Stuart’s second Discount Detective mystery—CAMPAIGNING CAN BE DEADLY—was launched on September 29. Also, as part of a virtual tour introducing her book, she enjoyed responding to the question “If you were running for president in the US, what would your campaign slogan be and why?” It will be posted on Oct. 2 on All the Ups and Downs.

Marty Wingate wrote a blog for Career Authors on “How to Write a Book Series that Pleases Readers Old and New” that was published on Sept. 23. You can learn more about Marty from this recent interview.

Joyce Yarrow published “Pen Pals—Five Ways Authors Can Show the Love” on the WOMEN WRITERS, WOMEN’S BOOKS blog on Sept. 12. Joyce’s forthcoming book, ZAHARA AND THE LOST BOOKS OF LIGHT, is set in Andalusia and was featured recently on the THIS IS SPAIN blog.