SinC Puget Sound

August 2022: Around the Sound

Elena Hartwell launches the first in her Wait, Wait, Don’t Query (Yet!) series of short guidebooks on the writing process. A #1 bestseller on Amazon, The Foundation of Plot is out now in hardback, paperback, and eBook.

“A short guide packed with essential tools for every writer’s toolbox. I wish everyone pitching at Killer Nashville read The Foundation of Plot first. A must-read for anyone interested in the writing craft.”
—Clay Stafford, bestselling author, filmmaker, and founder of Killer Nashville International Writers Conference

Structure underlies every story, but without a strong foundation, even well-written sentences can fail to result in a marketable manuscript. The Foundation of Plot defines the components of a story arc, details the differences between plot and story, and covers common errors writers make. It also includes exercises which apply concepts to works in progress or new projects.

Drawing on the author’s decades of storytelling and teaching experience, this short guide provides the framework for fiction, narrative nonfiction, and memoir, walking writers through a first draft, the repair of a failed manuscript, or any draft in between. For experienced authors and first-time writers alike, applying the concepts outlined in this manual can help launch a submission from the slush pile to the bookstore shelf.

Buy links: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | IndieBound

The Foundations of Plot

Charlotte Stuart’s 3rd in the Macavity & Me Mysteries was just released: Not Me! Speluncaphobia, Secrets and Hidden Treasure. Phobias, family feuds, Aztec gold and a treasure hunt in the remote wilderness of British Columbia by sailboat. And a stowaway cat!

Charlotte Stuart

Susan McCormick’s The Fog Ladies: Family Matters (Book 2 in The San Francisco Cozy Murder Mystery series) was a Finalist for Chanticleer’s Murder and Mayhem Award.

The Fog Ladies Award