SinC Puget Sound

April 2020 Meeting Recap

April 2020 Speakers

The April panel on “How to Prepare your Manuscript for Publication” was our chapter’s first Zoom program event. President Luanne Brown facilitated the session, and thanks to our panelists and participants, the event was a success.

Claire Allen works with writers to check for errors of grammar, usage, clarity, logic, and euphony. She discussed the different levels of editing, types of editors and knowing what to pay and expect from a professional relationship. Claire shared that “Being an editor is wonderful for us who don’t have a story to tell but know how to tell a story.

Beth Jusino is a developmental editor and publishing consultant. She emphasized that you have to be ready to pitch your book in person and in print. She talked about four pitch priorities and listed what should NOT be in a pitch. Beth concluded: “If you can’t talk about your book, you’re not ready to publish it.

Jennifer McCord is an editor, educator, writer and publishing consultant. She provided the publisher’s perspective by listing things an author should remember to do when submitting a manuscript for publication. Jennifer offered encouragement by saying, “Everyone wants to read a good story.”