SinC Puget Sound

Chapter News – February 2018

New Bylaws effective February 8th
The Puget Sound chapter membership voted to accept our new bylaws at the February meeting. The vote was nearly unanimously in favor (one new member abstained). This first update of our bylaws since 2000 is based very closely on the recommended template provide by SinC national and will govern our structure and policies on membership, elections, and other issues. Read our bylaws here.

2018 officers change titles and we welcome our first Secretary: Sarah Rubin
The 2018 officers elected last October assume new titles and slightly different roles under the new bylaws. The Executive Committee decided who would take which role for the remainder of the year: Alice K. Boatwright will serve as President; Marty Wingate will be Vice-President; and Waverly Fitzgerald will be Treasurer. Members interested in serving as Secretary were invited to put their names forward, and we are happy to announce that our Social Media Manager Sarah Rubin has volunteered to take on this additional role.

Sarah Niebuhr Rubin is a Seattle native, though she has lived and traveled throughout the United States. As an archaeologist, she worked in forensic osteology, as well as excavating human skeletons in the Midwestern US, in Israel, and in Turkey. She is also an ordained rabbi.

Sarah’s publications include Threads of a Tallis, a literary paranormal short story, and Weathering the Storm (Poetry on Buses, Seattle, 2017). She has long been a reader of mystery and joined Sisters in Crime at the beginning of 2017 after drafting her first full-length cozy.

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