SinC Puget Sound

Chapter News

There is a lot happening in our chapter — and we’d like to keep you informed!

Bylaws and Secretary: Once our new bylaws are approved by the chapter, we’ll be seeking a member to fill the position of Secretary for the remainder of 2018. Please let Alice, Marty, or Waverly know or send an email if you are interested in being considered for this position, which the Executive Committee will fill by appointment. Annual elections for all four officer positions will be held in October 2018 for 2019. All SinC officers are elected for one-year terms, renewable once.

National Speaker: Puget Sound is eligible to have a national speaker present to us in 2019. These programs bringing well-known writers to our meeting at the expense of SinC national. We’ll be submitting an application next month, and SinC national will notify us if we have been selected. Updates to come.

Connect with our Executive Committee: The Executive Committee now meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday of the month to discuss programs, policies, and other chapter business. If you have a question or issue you would like us to consider, please send an email or speak to one of us in person.