SinC Puget Sound

Celebrating 30 years & moving forward

2017 is the 30th anniversary of the Sisters in Crime organization. Fourteen of us celebrated with cake and sparkling cider at our September meeting. Seattle’s chapter formed not long after – and we caught up on some of our history from our current treasurer, Nan Robkin, who has been part of the group since the beginning.

The weather is changing, fall is here, and our October 12th meeting brings our annual flash fiction sharing session. If you have an original story of 500 words or less to surprise or chill us, bring it to share! Come anyway if you don’t – listen and be inspired!

Also at our October meeting we will, in accordance with our current by-laws, be accepting nominations for two co-presidents and treasurer. All nominees must be members in good standing and wish to take the role and responsibility. Our current co-presidents, Susan and Joe, have been doing a terrific job for several years now, and Nan has been faithful in her role of treasurer. Get involved! We will also be discussing changes to our by-laws so that we are in line with the national Sisters in Crime organization.