SinC Puget Sound

May 2017

I am working on pulling the website up to date. Meanwhile, a few words about 2017 so far:

  • In January, we hosted Captain Neil Low of the Seattle Police Department, author of seven crime novels.
  • February’s meeting with acclaimed author Laura DiSilverio, who came to us via headquarters – or rather the national Sisters in Crime organization. Laura, who has 21 books to her name, shared tips and techniques on plotting and creating conflict.
  • In our March meeting, we all shared our current favorite reading. While there was overlap, there was also a great deal of diversity.
  • Our own members, local authors, reading from recent works (with a little assistance from Susan reading selections for people who were unable to attend) made our April meeting particularly special, and a little poignant as well.
  • Which brings us to May, and our most recent meeting. Jennifer Klamm (like mom, not clam) gave a comprehensive and humorous presentation on grammar. I’ve always known grammar can be fun, but it’s definitely news to some.

Our June  meeting will take place at 3rd Place Commons, in the Statler Room, on June 8th, 2017.

I’m thrilled to have joined the group this year, and look forward to a long future of writing, reading, and enjoying mysteries together.